Penny Wisdom (1937)
Kitchen chaos
10 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Penny Wisdom" is an American short from 80 years ago and it brought Pete Smith his first Academy Award. If you know Smith, you will know that this one is as usual roughly 10 minutes long. It also has color, which is not a given at all for 1937, especially not for documentary films. This little movie is about a young woman who has to prepare a meal for her guests, but who knows nothing about cooking. All goes wrong that could go wrong. Luckily for her, another woman called Prudence shows up and saves the day in every regard. There are some funny moments, especially early on, as usual with Smith, but the second half here actually felt like a real cooking lesson in terms of documentary style and it lacked a bit humor in my opinion. Nonetheless, overall it was a decent watch. Not Smith's best, but certainly not bad at all either. I recommend it.
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