Ratter (2015)
Digital dairy of young lady
17 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
It seems a subgenre of found footage has been born, horror flicks with prevalent use of webcam and phone cam for majority or all of its content. Aside from "Unfriended", none seems to get it right as of yet, "Ratter" falls into the failed attempt category. Virtually nothing happens in its already short runtime. Any shred of horror is presented far too late and in mediocrity.

Emma (Ashley Benson), a young woman living by herself is stalked by an unknown party. She is spied through the cameras around her. While this may present a few creepy nuances since she's clearly being targeted and objectified, the tricks worn off about twenty minutes in. The movie drags on far too long and without giving any build up for thriller at all.

Emma herself is the typical attractive girl, there's not much for her character aside from loitering on the camera, fooling around in her apartment or generic mingling with friends and potential love interest. In fact, that's basically the whole movie. Audience would wait for something to happen in what seems to be ages, and when it does happen, it's done in such abysmal quality. This eventually just leaves a disappointing taste as it has wasted one's time.

"Ratter" could've been one hour of panoramic shots of New York and it would've been better than this meek attempt at thriller.
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