Night Of The Naked Dead
28 March 2016
This ultra-low budget film is by no means either as bad as its name suggests nor as terrible as the two previous reviewers would have the potential viewer believe, but it is slooooooow. The bottom line is that a financially challenged if feisty lady author who lives in an isolated pre-War Of Independence house in the wilds of New England is having trouble due to a freak storm, but so it appears is everyone else, not that there are any other householders around.

At first her only companion is a wise cracking maintenance man, but then a stunningly attractive blonde turns up minus her clothes. What is going on? We don't realise until a long way into the film; it appears that the storm has transported the house back in time to 1957, and the girl is or rather was a murder victim. If that isn't bad enough, the murderer has returned, and is also keen on getting his hands on the deeds to the house. It gets a bit complicated after this; there is some deliberate misdirection when blondie eats a leech, suggesting she is a vampire or something. More than a little poetic licence is needed to make any sense of the plot at all, and the acting is a bit wooden as well, but you've undoubtedly seen worse in the cinema whereas you can watch this on YouTube for free.
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