The birdbrained Billie Burke role is hilarious
11 April 2016
This sequel came out four years after the original "Topper" of 1937. The original Kerby's and their ghosts – George and Marion, played by Cary Grant and Constance Bennett, are long gone now. Joan Blondell gets the lead female role here as Gail Richards, sans a counterpart for Grant. But, the focus of this story is on Topper himself, and his wife. And, for those roles, Roland Young and Billie Burke return.

I actually enjoyed "Topper Returns" more than the original. Grant's role wasn't that prominent in the earlier film, and neither he nor Bennett had any particularly witty or funny dialog. Mostly, it was about the appearance and disappearance of the two spirits and some clever scenes with special effects that supposedly showed an invisible woman dressing. This film has a much meatier plot with mystery and murder mixed in with comedy. It also has a nice role for Eddie "Rochester" Anderson who plays the chauffeur to the Toppers.

There is a lesser bit of romance between a cab driver, Bob, played by Dennis O'Keefe, and Carole Landis who plays Ann Carrington. But the action and humor is mostly with Gail Richards, Topper, Eddie and Mrs. Topper. And, Billie Burke really shines as the birdbrained Mrs. Topper. Nobody in the golden age of Hollywood could play a matronly birdbrain role better than Billie Burke; and she excels in her part in this film. She's hilarious. One other character adds some to the humor. Donald MacBride plays on overly stupid and overly acted incompetent policeman, Sgt. Robert.

The rest of the cast are mostly along for the ride. The director and camera operator give occasional flashes of one or another of the support characters giving a gratuitous glance or a sinister look of mischief. Carole Landis's part was a minor role in this film. She was an attractive and talented actress who was just breaking out of bit parts into some finer roles and films. But she had a troubled personal life (she married five times to four husbands) and in 1948 committed suicide with a drug overdose. She was just 29 years old.
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