Amateur hour
17 April 2016
Just to be forthright about my political position, I agree that yes, a New World Order of a global nature is being sought by a moneyed elite, but I do not agree as the filmmakers do that faith in Christianity, conservatism, and restoring the Constitution are the answers to this encroachment of tyranny and slavery.

In my view, a world with no rulers or masters, anarchy by its root definition, is the answer, as the Constitution has been subverted for over a century (as the film even points out). Let's not forget, too, that Jesus was, at bottom, an anarchist. If you're a true Christian (I'm not, but I respect people who choose this path), you're an anarchist, not statist reformers as most of the talking heads in this film ironically seem to be.

If the filmmakers genuinely believe that restoring the Constitution is the answer, why don't they even mention Article 5 which is about calling for a Constitutional convention? Obviously they can't because Alex Jones is in the film, and he's on record for being against it. So they trot out Charlie Daniels to spout cornball catch phrases, and occasional scenes with a second rate George Washington who can't even muster a passable Virginia dialect.

The photography is OK, and the sound mix is above average, but it's all talking heads with fast editing cuts to keep it from getting too boring, which it still is. They should have cut at least 15 minutes from this turkey; it was interminably long and a lot of the interviews are of negligible value (Debra Medina? C'mon, who outside of Texas knows who SHE is?).

I learned about this film showing in my neighborhood via an Oath Keepers email blast, and I think it is ironic that Stewart Rhodes, the founder of Oath Keepers and much more of a can-do heavy weight than at least half the people giving interviews here, only got two segments at about seven or eight seconds each. I guess the filmmakers snuck him in at the last second for the extra free advertising that the Oath Keepers mailing list would provide.

In brief, this film has its heart in the right place, but it's amateur hour all around. "Revelation: Dawn of Global Governance" will likely do very little to rouse people from their slumber. So-called patriots will feel good about watching it, maybe snatching a moment of quiescence or two while doing so, as they subsequently return to being slaves and obedient order-followers.
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