Trail Guide (1952)
"Ride close and don't try any tricks or we'll blast daylight through 'ya!"
19 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I always get a kick out of lines in a Western like the one in my summary above, they take me back to the wonderful days of Yosemite Sam in the Warner Brothers cartoons of the era. I can just see Yosemite looking down the barrel of his six-guns while drawing a bead on Elmer Fudd. Actually, the line was delivered by Silver Springs town villain Regan (Frank Wilcox) to young Kenny Masters (Robert Sherwood) on the way out of town, with Regan intending to keep Masters quiet about all the skulduggery the baddies are trying to pull off.

For Tim Holt and Chito Rafferty (Richard Martin) this is a pretty standard outing, with all the usual elements present in their relationship. Tim has to keep Chito on the straight and narrow so he doesn't get waylaid by every pretty face he comes across. Trail gal Maria (Wendy Waldron) was pretty persistent in the romance department, so Chito had to be just as nimble to stay a step ahead of her.

The story itself presents the age old rivalry between cattle men and homesteaders, with Tim angling for a way both sides can live in harmony with each other. Cattle rancher Peg Masters (Linda Douglas) functions as the go-between once she finds out her brother is done in by the outlaws. Standard horse chase scenes and shoot-outs complement the on screen action, but there's never any doubt the good guys will come out on top.
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