WWE Roadblock (2016 TV Special)
WWE Roadblock ruin the Road to Wrestlemania in a sad and disappointing way. The ride until then, will be bumpy as hell.
20 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Originally a house show titled, 'March to WrestleMania: Live from Toronto', WWE Roadblock is not a show, you want to talk about, much if you're a wrestling fan. It was sloppy put together, due to the fact that half of the rosters is injury and many of the top stars are missing. Also, nearly half of the card, had no real story or feud, driving the matches forward. It was very awkward to watch. While, it's not the worst WWE PPV show, I ever saw, it's one of the most forgettable. Nearly nothing really stand out with this event. We don't even get a pre-show match. To the best of my knowledge, the dark match between Goldust and Viktor was not even tape. Instead, the first aired match at the Ricoh Coliseum was the tag team championship match between the champions, 'The New Day' (Big E and Kofi Kingston) (with Xavier Woods) VS 'The League of Nations' (Sheamus and King Barrett). The match between them, was pretty standard work from both of the teams. I can't complain, it was alright. However, Kofi Kingston did take a nasty looking botch spot on his head, toward the end. It was disturbing. The only problem with this match is that the results of who is the winner is pretty damn predictable; seeing how the dirt sheets, expose the details of Wade Barrett wanting to quit WWE. It was all over the internet! It wouldn't surprise me, if Barrett get written off, television, sooner than later. At least, the pre-match had was the debut of the uber popular, Booty-O cereal. In the end, nice work from both teams. The next match on the card, does not make any lick of sense. First off, Jack Swagger and Chris Jericho are not feuding. Second off, they put an American good-guy wrestler in a match with a Canadian heel in Canada. I wonder, who the crowd is going to cheer for! Honestly, if they wouldn't get AJ Styles to show up in the match, at least, pick somebody that the crowd might cheer for. Some good replacements would be Sami Zayn or Adrian Neville, before he got injury, three days later. Once again, the match was standard and clichés. Nothing stood out, so little to nobody cared. Very disappointing. The next match was a rare sight. Not only did it had a story leading up to it, but it was the match, I was looking forward to, because it showcase new wrestlers. It's odd seeing developmental wrestlers on a WWE Show, fighting over a championship that isn't showcase in any of the main WWE events; however, the NXT Tag Team Championship match between the champions, 'The Revival' (Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder) VS Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady (with Carmella) was better than the last two matches, put together. The only faults of the match, is the crowd reaction. It's clear to me, that the main WWE crowd, still have no clue, who 'The Revival' are. It was a bit awkward to watch. Just like the next match, between Divas Champion, Charlotte (with Ric Flair) VS Natalya. Unlike, their last good match with each other, in NXT. This match had no build up story, leading up to it. In many ways, while, both ladies work best with each other, this match felt empty and recycled. Plus, Charlotte still can't sell, worth crap. Now, we come to a match with a lot of build-up; however, due to unseen events, the match had to be changed, due to Bray Wyatt's ankle injury. Instead of having a one on one match with Brock Lesnar, the match became a handicap match with Luke Harper & Bray Wyatt Vs the Beast. Without spoiling, too much of the results, all I'm going to say, about this short match is that Bray Wyatt does not step one foot in the ring. So heads up on that. The next match on the card was between Sami Zayn and Stardust. While, these two would feud with each other in the next PPV. There was really no reason, why these two people should fight against each other. It felt like add match to the card, in a last ditch attempt to apologize to the crowd, looking forward to Brock Lesnar Vs Bray Wyatt. In many ways, it's somewhat work in entertaining standard, but for the most part, it wasn't the match, I was looking for. Anyways, the main event has come to WWE Roadblock with WWE World Champion, Triple H Vs Number 1 contender, Dean Ambrose. Any last minute attempts to make the main event of Wrestlemania 32 seem appealing, was quickly killed off, by the controversial ending of this match. What a let-down for what was mostly, a very entertaining match! Overall: WWE Roadblock doesn't have the PPV quality matches that recent WWE special events were giving. In many ways, this show felt like an odd, but safe and predictable TV taping. Despite that, if I have to choose between watching this show or WWE Fast Lane. I probably pick this. The goods, outshine the bad. I just wish, it stood out more.
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