One More Time!
20 April 2016
First thing first: I'm not an anime fan. At all. So I was skeptical when I first heard about this movie. But Daft Punk's Interstella 5555 turned out to be surprisingly enjoyable. With that said, the movie isn't perfect by far. There are a few plot holes and the villain's motives aren't really clear, but to be fair they do a great job considering that there's no dialogue in it. I guess you could say that this is less of a movie and more of a series of animated music videos that happen to tell a story, but whatever it is, it's done very well. The characters are great, the animation is stellar, no pun intended, the plot has a nice undertone about the modern music industry, and do I even need to mention that Daft Punk's soundtrack rocks? It's just a lot of fun, so if you like anime or if you like Daft Punk, I'd recommend checking this one out. And let me tell you, if they ever make a sequel to this, I'd be first in line to watch it.

(And no, I don't count Daft Punk's followup movie, Electroma, though believe me, I'll be reviewing that soon enough.)
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