Meh and the Hollowgrams
23 April 2016
I'm not sure what the point of calling this Jem and the Holograms is. It bears no real connection to the fun '80s cartoon series. Instead, this is a boring and predictable teen drama that rips off everything from Hannah Montana to Earth to Echo. So you make a property based on an old cartoon and toy line and then proceed to alienate any viewers who might want to check it out for nostalgia's sake. On top of that, your movie kinda blows anyway so you can forget adding any new fans. The songs suck, the actors are forgettable, and the script doesn't have a single original idea. There's also this annoying YouTube crap that keeps popping up. I get it. You're trying to make a Jem for the generation that has such a thing as "YouTube popular." That's an idea that should have been killed in any of the pre-production meetings they undoubtedly had before this thing was made. It's a misfire from start to finish. It likely won't appeal to any of the fans of the original Jem and I can't imagine it will hold much appeal to any younger fans, excepting those who might be crushing on a couple of the actors.
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