Criminal (2016)
"What a F***ING MESS" (dialog, Gary Oldman, 1:09 timestamp)
24 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Well first of all any movie that puts Costner, Lee Jones and Oldman back in front of the camera deserves our attention. Also fun to see Adkins in a purely supporting role that does not involve him breaking buildings with his elbows.

Second, any movie that literally kills off Ryan Reynolds in the first five minutes you know is going to be .... interesting.

Well, to skip ahead to the verdict, this movie is strangely fun and engrossing in spite of its many plot holes and script errors.

What plot holes you ask? Well, not to give too much away (because I am recommending the movie) you need to remember that the entire story is about an attempt to save the world by "transplanting" memories from a dead man to a live one, that this is done for the first time on a human, and that time is of the essence.

OK, with that firmly in mind, you will watch the movie and notice that, in spite of the above, on NOT ONE BUT TWO OCCASIONS the character played by Oldman decides the whole thing is simply not working and essentially throws Costner's character away the way a fisherman throws a fish back into the ocean.

Following which mayhem ensues and he regrets it.

Yes this is indeed a plot device to move things along (in real life people are not that stupid) but the writers use the device not once but TWICE. By the second time, the viewer is going whhaaaa ... didn't we learn anything from the last time???

If you can dig deep within yourself and find the grace to forgive these small failings, not a bad film.
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