Three Men in a Boat (1975 TV Movie)
Longwinded despite the short running time
25 April 2016
This was , I have to admit, a little disappointment. As a huge fan of the book, and looking at the cast, I definitely was expecting something better. What we have here is a nice illustration of the book, with some good intentions, but little more.

The first problem is: It's too slow. How they managed to cram the book into one hour and still make it slow-footed is beyond me, but they did.

The second problem is even bigger - they hired good comedy actors - and made them do nothing. Most of the movie is narrated in voice-over - taken from the book, but come on, that's no way to tell this story on screen! There's a lot of talent (and potential) wasted here.

There are a few scenes where the movie finds its pace (the tinned pineapple for example), but mostly it's just a narration (however funny) with fitting illustrations. 6/10 from me, and that's because I really love the text.
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