On its surface, this animated short may look . . .
30 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
. . . like a simple cartoon about a young boy merely guilty of being a serial day-dreamer at school. But when a Warnologist digs a little beneath the surface of FROM A TO Z-Z-Z-Z, a more sinister undertone emerges. Z-Z-Z-Z contemporaries would have noticed immediately that Master Ralph L. Phillips has morphed into General Douglas MacArthur at the end of this Looney Tune, when he threatens his Math Teacher Missy Wallace with MacArthur's most famous quote, "I shall return!" Since a chalkboard's worth of numbers literally attack Ralphie during this short, numerologists will quickly note that "Master Ralph L. Phillips" and "General Douglas MacArthur" BOTH count out at 244, along with "Math Teacher Missy Wallace" (also 244, with 24 divided by 4 times 3--for this fated trio--being expressed as Satan's Number, 666!). Warnology indicates that this was Warner Bros.' way of warning America against a renewed military coup effort on the part of MacArthur, who'd all but rolled up to the White House in a tank a few months earlier. This subliminal message obviously worked, since MacArthur just faded away until he died in the wake of this animated caution.
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