Captures the feel of a good Star Wars movie, but lacks originality
13 May 2016
This is a decent film. It successfully wipes the slate clean of Episodes I-III. It brings us back most of the characters from Episodes IV-VI that we loved while handing the baton over to the next generation. And most importantly, it "feels like" a good Star Wars film. It focuses on broad emotions instead of scientific reality.

What it is not is original. The plot is basically a culmination of Episodes IV and VI. Another Death Star, another shield to bring down, another seedy cantina to visit, etc. In many ways, it feels recycled. There are bits of originality, the best being the risks they took with a villain in formation, Kylo Ren. I suspect that he will surpass Vader in evil by Episode VIII. By making him a trainee in darkness rather than already fully immersed, the writers took their biggest risk. And hence, Ren's character is also the most interesting thing about the movie. Just as good is Harrison Ford as Han Solo. He reprises his role as a man who is still the same rogue we love, but aged, full of wounds, and full of greater wisdom based on many mistakes. In short, Ford takes his simple character and goes to deeper places with him than ever before. I wish the same could have been done with Leia.

I will almost certainly see Episode VIII when it comes out in the theaters. My sons will demand it. ;o) But I have some trepidation. Should the makers, now having righted the wrongs of the prequels by delivering the pure nostalgia of Force Awakens, take Episode VIII into original and unexplored territory, then the series will be fully back on track. If they decide to play it too safe like they did here, then I might not be up for seeing Episode IX.
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