DC Super Hero Girls (2015–2018)
Trite, Cheap, Poorly Flash Animated Junk
30 May 2016
Trite, cheap, poorly flash animated junk that only serves as another blown opportunity for Warner to add a quality animated kid's show to the DC franchise. This could have also been a great opportunity to give young girls some great role models through a well made show that actually had depth, character, and quality story telling. Instead they chose to pander to what unintelligent shallow uncultured people think little girls should watch.

I'm capable of being offended by this show because I've been exposed to quality animated shows and was raised on them as a kid. So many kids these days are being raised on cheap low quality shows like this so they only think its good and don't question it because they don't have anything to compare it to, which I fear is going to be a major blow to the expectations many people of the next generation will have of animated entertainment, especially when it comes to picking out entertainment for their own kids. Its also rotting their minds.

If you're going to let your kids watch TV, DVD, or downloaded/streaming entertainment, why not choose quality entertainment with great role models and some actual depth, that actually encourages your kid to use their brain and think? Or at least exposes them to quality story telling and production value? Why raise them on cheaply made shallow mindless entertainment that throw those qualities away because its "just a kid's show". Animations these days that are aimed at young children are often so cheaply made with very little effort or actual thought put into them. If an animated show is for a child, my opinion is all the more reason to make it quality! Raise them on something that actually sets a good standard so they make better choices as they get older on what to watch.

If I could give this show a negative score, I would.
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