"You cowardly little cheese thieves . . . "
1 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
" . . . you're nothing but a bunch of rats," Warner Bros.' Looney Tuners rage through their mouthpiece of Sylvester Cat in the VERY FIRST American Presidential Endorsement for Donald Trump, noted author of Capitalist How-To-Be-A-Billionaire-Like-Me books, such as WHO STOLE MY CHEESE? Sylvester's goal as the title character for THE PIED PIPER OF GUADALUPE is to round up all Spanish-speaking Americans, no doubt with an eye toward their eventual deportation (sound familiar yet?). Warner's animators depict a Mexican Gang--led by Speedy Gonzalez--as Lawless Terrorists, defying Authority (Sylvester), blowing up random bystanders (a bulldog), and causing a public transit vehicle to crash by sabotaging street signs. (This being a cartoon aimed at BOTH kiddies and their parents, the only Trump Campaign Slur about Mexicans Warner does not echo-in-advance is the Trumpster's comment about "rapists.") Of course, as a stand-in for Trumpenstein, Sylvester's ability to transform everyone into mindless automatons through a few musical phrases also foreshadows the millions of Angry Loonies who've already voted for the Trumpeter Swan so far in the Primaries.
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