Sometimes my jaw falls open while watching. But maybe that's just me.
4 June 2016
I am a calm, perfectly cool as a cucumber character on the verge of being a fully fledged adult. This show has somehow turned me into a fully fledged fan girl that blushes on occasion.

I've always been a fan of Batman. Maybe Cat Noir in a black super-suit just calls to me, or more likely it's the awesome fight scenes. Not to mention hilariously purrfect puns thrown in here and there.

This show will also definitely pull on the heartstrings of anyone who has experienced a maddening crush on that special someone. The beautiful landscapes of Paris just amplify the feels :)

One of the few shows I've seen where there's a great mix of drama, fighting and romance. The top notch animation definitely just pulls you in! Give the show a go, it's amazing :)
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