Money in the Bank (2016 TV Special)
One of the Best PPVs WWE Has Done In Years! Easily the Best Money in the Bank PPV Like They Said!
20 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
WWE does all they can to sell themselves and their superstars. But the average WWE fan is smart enough to see that Roman Reigns doesn't deserve his push and that Titus O'Neal needs to be used better. WWE hyped this as the best Money in the Bank ppv ever at WrestleMania proportions. You can throw in all the dream matches you want, but they need to actually deliver. Luckily, this event went above and beyond.

The first pre-show match had the Golden Truth defeat Breezango. 5/10

The Lucha Dragons won against the Dudleyz in a match that was a bit better than your average match on RAW. 7.5/10

The first official match was a fatal-four-way tag team match for the titles. They high-power tag-team matches happen a lot, varying at how good they are. I really wanted Enzo & Cass to win, but the New Day retained. I hate the New Day and will be so angry if they break Paul London & Brian Kendrick's record! Luckily, the match was amazing as heck! 9.5/10

WWE really wants to push former NXT guy Baron Corbin. He's winning the feud against Dolph Ziggler and won the match against him tonight. I don't get why, Corbin isn't anything special. Ziegler is awesome and he carried the bout in what was surprisingly great. 8/10

The woman's tag team match wasn't anything special either, except Natalya's heel turn afterwards. But still worth a watch. 7/10

Young upstart and former NXTer Apollo Crews won against Sheamus. Their feud hasn't been taking off and I can see why. If there wasn't so many rest holds, I would give this a higher grade. I PVRed this, so fast-forwarding through the rest holds made it better. 7/10

Next we had the dream match that fans have been waiting for for years: AJ Styles vs John Cena. Cena was dominating WWE while Styles was dominating TNA, ROH, and NJPW. His debut in WWE had fans speculating this match. This was a dream match that was better than both of Cena's matches with The Rock. AJ won. Wow! 10/10

Next up, we had one of the best MITB ladder match ever. Everything was set up and fell into place perfectly. One word for this bout: perfect. Ambrose won. Will he cash in? 10/10

The only reasons I could think of for putting Rusev and Titus O'Neal near the end was to either give fans a chance to breathe or to make the main event seem better if it sucked. Whatever, I was still mesmerized by the previous too match enough to enjoy this. 7/10

Any feud with the Shield members is guaranteed to be a classic and live up to the hype. We had both members with the long hair go at it for the WWE Title. Seth Rollins never lost it to Roman Reigns. I'm glad Seth cleanly won. But wait! Out comes Dean and cashes in his briefcase! Rollins held the title for less than a minute. Now all three Shield members have been World Champions. The only thing next for WWE is to book a triple threat match with the three guys for the title. Roman vs Seth: 10/10 Seth vs Dean: 10/10

The great matches made up for the non-great ones.
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