An interesting movie for the open minded
9 July 2016
At the time of writing, this movie only has two very negative reviews. This has motivated me to write a review to provide some balance.

While I don't rate this a great movie, I quite liked it. It was nicely shot, the acting was competent and the story line was intriguing. One reviewer's objections were the cinematography, which I thought very good, and the inclusion of corrupt police, which is a staple of industry.

The other reviewer's objection seemed to be the ethnic diversity of the actors for a movie set in Romania. It is a movie, a work of fiction, not a documentary. As far as I know there are no Hobbits living in New Zealand and no wizards living in the UK, that hasn't stopped the Lord of the Rings movies or the Harry Potter movies being very popular (although not my taste). As far as I know interstellar space travel is not possible, but Alien was a great movie.

The story line of this movie reminded me of Homer's Odyssey mixed with elements of Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men. The cinematography was Felliniesque. The interest is in character development and the reactions of characters to the situations they find themselves in. If you only are interested in Hollywood action movies then you may want to avoid this movie. If you want to sit down with an open mind for 90 minutes and think about what you are seeing then I suggest you consider watching this movie.
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