Prince Tab
11 July 2016
The only two names us film fans from the English speaking world will recognize is that of Tab Hunter and Rosanna Podesta in The Golden Arrow. This is another of a gazillion epics made in Italy in the late 50s and 60s to take advantage of those Ben-Hur, Quo Vadis, and Cleopatra sets that American companies built for those productions and left for the Italian cinema.

As for Hunter he was one of several B list actors who left for Europe to appear in these and in spaghetti westerns just coming into being at the time. After this one he never did another for which he was grateful no doubt,

It's the usual Arabian Nights type fare with Hunter as a bandit who's really a prince lest how else could he compete for the hand of princess Rosanna Podesta and defeat the evil vizier who's peddling her hand in marriage to an even eviler prince.

But before Hunter can do that he's got to go through a lot of adventures and collect his arsenal which consists of a magic carpet and magic Golden Arrow which always hits what it's aimed at. Like the Lone Ranger, Tab only shoots to wound or disabled. He's got a posse of three wizards who could have been played by the 3 Stooges. Now that might have been interesting.

For reasons only God could imagine they dubbed Hunter's voice with an actor who sounded an awful lot like Stephen Boyd. He might have made more sense than blond All American Tab Hunter in the part.
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