Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates
22 July 2016
Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates is your typical raunchy summer comedy. The movie follows two wedding crasher like brothers that are given to order to bring respectable dates to there sister's wedding. In the typical comedy way, two not so respectable girls answer the call and pose as the respectable girls they need to be all in order to get a free holiday.

Like most comedies, I often try to come into them with a low expectation. This was, if it was a decent laugh, then I'm not going to be disappointed. If it ends up being an all time classic comedy, even better. If you are planning to see this movie, I suggest to go in with these low expectations. I say this not because it is an awful movie in anyway, but because I it serves as a great TV watch. In the end, the focus of comedies is to make you laugh and at no point during this film did I feel that this movie was failing at this job.

I thought the chemistry between the main four characters were fantastic. While there wasn't many situation where the four shared to focus at the same time, I thought the combinations of DeVine and Efron as brother, Kendrick and Plaza as best friends, and Efron and Kendrick and Plaza and DeVine as their paired romantic interests all worked really well. I thought from a cast perspective they all bounced off each other really nicely and created a real natural flow.

The only downside I really had with the cast was DeVine. While I thought he worked really well in his pair ups, I just felt that as far as quality, his behind with the others such as Efron and Kendrick playing stand out roles.

For me, DeVine shares a problem I also have with Melissa McCarthy in that I think in a supporting comedic role they are fantastic but when it comes to stepping up into that main role where they have to touch on more than one emotion they struggle a bit. This can really be seen in a scene where both Efron and DeVine's characters are upset and Efron pulls a real cry and DeVine just scrunches up his face. While it was pretty funny, it is scenes like that that shows he lacks that extra dimension. I felt like they could have easily had a few really emotional scenes throughout this film but with someone like DeVine, they can't tone it back and play a serious scene.

Overall, this was a nice easy laugh. I don't think you have to be into the complete adult humour to enjoy but you have to be matured enough to see the funny side of some of the jokes.

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