Why We Laugh: Funny Women (2013 TV Special)
Very Disappointing
23 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Holy Moly, what happened here? What the heck did these filmmakers do...?

I'll tell you what they did. They took over 20 women comics -- some who are very funny -- and made them all BORING. Good God, how is that even possible?

Clearly, the director is quite young in his career, or he lacks any real talent -- not sure which. Good documentaries are not 83 minutes of constant talking heads, one after another after another. Unless maybe it's PBS or the Science Channel or something. But even then, they usually break it up to some degree. Why oh why would the filmmakers here think they could have 83 minutes of people talking to an interviewer off camera?

This is just plain shocking. And the questions being asked -- that we never hear, just cards coming up on screen re: subject being asked about -- are not the most interesting questions you could ask comics. Furthermore, the director apparently thinks we're stupid, because he'll have several of the comics say the exact same thing, one after another on whatever subject they were asked about. Hello?? You only need one person to say it.

So the description on my screen before I watched this, said interviews and stand-up of these women comics. That's a lie. Out of 83 minutes, there is LESS than 2 minutes of stand-up in the entire film. Hey, Director: If you had cut in more stand-up throughout, it would have been a much more interesting film. You are supposed to entertain your audience, not bore them!

So I actually watched through the end credits, because they show outtakes as the credits roll. And you know what? The outtakes were funny and MORE interesting than the rest of the film. So skip the film and just watch the outtakes at the end.
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