Cringe, cringiest, cringeworthy...so not a bad big-screen version of The Office.
25 August 2016
My reservations about this film (and Gervais, as I'm not a fan) proved unfounded, for Life On the Road proves to be a bang-on continuation of the themes, humour, style, carefully constructed scripts and wince-inducing dialogue and pratfalls of its TV forbear.

'Cringe-worthy' is a phrase that could have been invented to describe The Office and Gervais' own brand of humour. Prepare to cringe big time in this film folks as no target or minority group is left untouched.

Gervais does, however, in a rare show or mercy and charity, gift Brent a happy ending he would never have received on TV. Gervais must be turning into an old softie, that Hollywood tinsel rubbing off on this movie.
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