13 Cameras (2015)
Makes no apologies
28 August 2016
The villain in '13 Cameras' reminded me a lot of the villain in 'The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence)', not just in terms of looks but personality as well. I liked him as an antagonist and I liked this guy too. The thing I liked the most about them ironically, is that there is zero to like about them. You know the second you are introduced to them that they are a bad person who is not to be rooted for. Charming villains have certain things going for them ('James Bond' wouldn't exist without them) but there is something about pure, unforgiving evil that is just so satisfying to watch.

'13 Cameras' is a fun movie. It takes itself very seriously, and this is a good thing. I was shocked to see on IMDb that writer/director Victor Zarcoff was on debut here. While the film was far from technically perfect, it was pretty bloody good. The acting was also impressive throughout from the entire cast. The script manages to keep things fresh and exciting for the duration of the run time. Thing's certainly never got stale and you felt a need to know how this was all going to end. All in all this was a very pleasant surprise on a lazy Sunday night.
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