Review of Andron

Andron (2015)
"What is going on"
29 August 2016
Midway through, Alec Baldwin freaks out and screams "what is going on?" And theatrically knocks over a chair. (I hope this spoiler doesn't affect your enjoyment of the film, it's about as inconsequential a thing as most of what happens in the film)

Sums up how I feel about this film.

Despite all the pauses where characters get to explain what is going on, it still makes very little sense. Maybe I got bored and didn't concentrate on some important bits. But I think they had too much background plot to explain and not enough time or skill to make the explanation natural.

There are far too many things that happen without a reason, characters are not driven by obvious motives and the "science" behind the plot is weak.

The acting is wooden and seems as confused as me and Alec at times. It is quite well filmed. Contrast, light,shade, colour, etc... are all good. Shame the rest of it doesn't match the cinematography.
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