The folks at Warner Bros. may THINK . . .
31 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
. . . that they've commissioned AND RECEIVED 187 Looney Tunes documentaries (12 features and 175 shorts) to commemorate their once-great Animation Division, but the promised "42 hours" of special features do not stand up to much scrutiny. A careful analysis of the complete documentary set reveals that there are only about four hours of UNIQUE material offered in total here, and 124 minutes of this consists of excerpts from the Classic Looney Tunes themselves. Worse yet, of the remaining 117 minutes, almost half--54 minutes--is cobbled together archival footage (mostly of Looney Tunes directors' interviews) sandwiched between the scant 63 minutes of original stuff the "Behind the Tunes" contractors came up with on their own initiative. So how can 241 minutes of film be stretched to more than 42 hours?! SING-A-SONG OF LOONEY TUNES certainly bears out the so-called Salad Shooter Theory, which has the contractor putting the four hours of bits into an Acme Company Film Blender, and than tossing darts at the Title Board to label whatever the machine spits up.
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