Naked Souls (1996)
Boring, dated, and devoid of talent both in front of and behind the camera
1 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This ill-conceived slice of straight-to-video fodder is pointless in every respect. A predictable, clichéd plot combines with a total disregard for logic and realism to scupper this project from the start. It's difficult to know who the film is aimed at; part erotic thriller, part sci fi hokum, it doesn't really know what it wants to be. So the makers decided to throw in a load of mumbo-jumbo and sets lifted straight out of THE FLY and mix it with the old standby of immortality in a bid to have an interesting premise. The result? They failed miserably.

The main thrust of the film is that David Warner tricks Brian Krause into letting him project his own personality into his body. This is handled in such an incompetent manner that it's difficult to know, let alone care, what on earth is going on. Confused? You will be. The leaden acting of the lead, Brian Krause, also helps to destroy any interest this film might have held. Krause has a single expression on his face for the entire film and simply can't act. You're in a sad way when you get upstaged by Pamela Anderson. Speaking of old Pam, she pops up in a minor role in order to shed her clothes a couple of times. Is she as dizzy and bubble-headed as her reputation would suggest? In a word, yes. Other women appear naked in flashbacks for no other reason than to titillate the male viewer, so at least there is the unintentional humour value.

Two veteran actors struggle to make the best of their roles but, to be honest, they're wasted. David Warner is hardly what you would call stretched in his role as an evil scientist, it's the same shtick we've seen him play a million times: apparently cultured and eloquent, but dastardly evil nonetheless. Dean Stockwell also pops up in what amounts to a cameo appearance, he is on screen for only five minutes of the film. There's some cheap, rubbishy-looking CGI work which offers no interest and a lack of gore and violence to further anger those die-hard horror fans. In all, it's a bit of a waste of time, and certainly not worth bothering with.
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