Nightbeat (1947)
Fair Cop
14 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie surely deserves some kind of award for it's startling fresh- as-paint storyline, even more original given the year, 1947. Get this; two guys bond during their time in the armed forces in World War Two. Comes demob day and they're back in Civvy Street. But what to do, how to earn a crust. The solution is breathtaking; one joins the police force and the other joins a gangster's payroll. You couldn't make it up. Christine Norden made three films that year but this is the one that gets to 'introduce' her. She made only 12 films in total but certainly made an impact. Here she plays the 'good-time' girl who does a little singing on the side, specifically in the night club owned by Maxwell Reed, an early graduate of the Forestry Commission School of Acting and in another life the first husband of Joan Collins. All sorts of people pop up here, not least Sid James, newly arrived in England from South Africa, and milking his role as piano-player grass to the limit. Again it was Ann Crawford who sold it for me but it turned out to be entertaining in its own right.
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