Review of Results

Results (I) (2015)
Bland romantic comedy with chaotic script.
21 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The Three Acts:

The initial tableau: At his local gym, rich but out of shape Danny gets directed to the owner, Trevor. Trevor interviews Danny, then sets up a schedule with Lorenzo for Danny. Kat (Trevor's former lover) talks Trevor into letting Danny be her client instead.

Delineation of conflicts: Kat and Trevor are still attracted to each other, but Trevor wants Kat at arm's length since they are so mismatched. Danny wants to be with Kat, but Kat does not want to be with him. Trevor wants to expand his business, but has all these chaotic elements to deal with. Danny seems to be embracing discipline (diet and exercise, supposedly), but he shows little impulse control (giant TV, newly purchased classic guitar, huge house, weed, paying the gym a year in advance, views sample exercise videos as porn, pays a young man 300 USD to connect up his TV, and so on). Add in some throw away characters with the attendant noise.

Resolution: Things move forward slowly in jumps, as in 'where did that come from?'
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