Not Canon with Previous Gamera films - more like a "Best-Of" Dream-Sequence
28 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie relies on stock footage of past films.

This is not an actual reappearance of the Gamera from the past Showa films. It is a reboot, and does not depict the death of the "real" Gamera. It's also strongly hinted that the whole movie is a dream or in the imagination of Keiichi. It doesn't fit in the continuity of the other films at all.

I've heard that Diamond Entertainment, (one of the companies that distributed the English dubbed versions), didn't include this film in their collection. They went as far as to say Gamera vs. Zigra (1971) was Gamera's last film in the Showa series.

So, it's either a reboot, a dream or both. It's certainly the least important film in the series and seems like it tried to be a "best of" collection rather than a film.

Since most of the Gamera scenes use stock footage from the previous movies, you would be better off watching the original films instead of this one.
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