Pr' Hostar (2016)
A proper comedy movie, making a generation laugh and setting milestones at the same time
6 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers

A cracking comedy, targeting a specific audience with a specific sense of humour, makes up for the lack of character depth by light- heartedly incorporating at times vulgar humour with present social themes, such as workers' struggle, inter-national relations, greed and power.

Shot and produced by an independent crew of non-professional filmmakers, the movie broke the Slovenian opening weekend record and also attracted the all-time highest number of opening week viewers of a Slovene film. With an appropriately low run time of 90 minutes, the storyline, which in comedies often times becomes dull, is easy to follow and reasonably exciting until the end.

The emphasis of the movie however, is on the slightly politically incorrect humour, at times vulgar and obscene, touching the linguistic and mixing of the Slovene and Croatian languages, accent, sexuality, alcohol(ism), warm insults and inter-personal conflicts. Character development is not deep, but does give us enough information to understand and laugh at their motives and differences. At the same time, the movie does offer the viewer a kind of a lesson, putting sticking together before an individual's greed.

For an unprecedented achievement of stepping up from posting Youtube videos a couple of times a year to breaking viewing records, the production crew surely deserves all praise for such a novelty on the Slovene movie scene.
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