Icy Sea of Love
18 November 2016
Haunted by an unsolved serial killer case in which dead body parts turned up in coal trucks across the country, a former detective attempts to place the pieces together when similar murders recur in this acclaimed Chinese crime drama. The film gets off to a solid start with creepy shots of the dead body parts amidst all the coal as well as an eerie factory where everyone is a suspect. Fan Liao (Berlin Best Actor winner) is solid as the detective in question, however, the film loses much of its edge as it flashes forward five years to the unsolved murders recurring. There is a lot to like in how compelled the former detective feels to solve the case, and the killer's motives when revealed leave food for thought, however, his investigation is dragged out to the point that any suspense, tension or urgency soon dissipates. Cast as an alluring dry cleaner connected to the murders, Lun Mei Gwei gives the second half of a film a significant boost in a turn that has been compared to Ellen Barkin in 'Sea of Love' as our protagonist wrestles with romancing her but also suspecting her. She is not quite enough though to render the final part of the film anywhere near as impressive as its opening. The abrupt ending is also one of the most baffling of any film in recent times. Fortunately, the killer's confession and motives manage to linger vividly in one's mind long afterwards; suffice is to say, the revelation of the killer is bittersweet in the best possible way. With its deathly slow pacing, one's mileage here is likely to vary, but the story certain leaves an impact.
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