This Warner Bros. cartoon takes place in a public park . . .
20 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
. . . so at first glance its title--HOME, TWEET HOME--might appear to be something of a misnomer. However, upon further reflection, it's clear that this title-subject disagreement is intentional among Warner's crack warning team, that is, its Cassandra-like Looney Tunes Division, always up for cautioning America about its approaching Calamities, Catastrophes, Cataclysms, and Apocalypti. Perhaps "A park is a park is a park" in the 1900s, to paraphrase Gertrude Stein. But seen through the prism of 21st Century America, Warner warns us that THIS park encompasses ALL of Future America. Furthermore, the Sadistic Lord of the Beasts featured here--Tweety Bird--is ruling it with an Iron Claw. It talks sweet little Mary Poppins into braining us, the Public (in the guise of Sylvester Cat). This forces viewers to ask themselves, "Which Current-Day Tweeter is able to keep America's P-words groped and sore--as is Sylvester in HOME--while wrapping little old ladies around his fingers?" Obviously, Warner warns us here against Molester-in-Chief Rump. Let's hope that his Tweet is worse than his tree sin.
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