The Walking Dead: Go Getters (2016)
Season 7, Episode 5
Rehash of Last Week
20 November 2016
Every episode this season has had its own identity and approach, and that's helped keep this season fresh and one of the best so far. 'Go Getters' certainly had a different identity than the past few weeks, but unfortunately it was the first episode this season that felt filler.

It's been 4 episodes since we last saw Sasha and Maggie, so it's long overdue. It's also way past time we have seen the Hilltop community, and their annoyingly ignorant leader, Gregory. I'm happy Jesus was there to brighten up these scenes, because I just can't stand Gregory and his approach to this apocalyptic world. I didn't expect Maggie to do anything but shut him down, and I'm glad to see her start to make progress towards her inevitable leadership role at Hilltop.

We also had a legit zombie conflict at Hilltop when the Saviors send a small herd in for good fun. This gave Jesus, Sasha, and even Maggie a chance for some solid zombie kills. Can you get any better than pregnant Maggie driving a tractor over zombies? With that said, once Simon came along and interrupted the party the episode came to a complete halt. I never once believed that he was going to find Maggie and Sasha, so those scenes just felt useless to me. We've already watched Negan do the same exact thing last week to Alexandria, was there a need to have Simon do it too? Plus, if you're going to have someone from Negan's crew come in spitting dialogue right out of Negan's vocabulary, why not just have Negan himself do it?

I guess the defense here would be that we needed to see members of Negan's crew doing something horrible without him, so that we believe they won't turn on him when the time comes. There wasn't a ton else going on besides Carl and Enid's rollerblading date to Hilltop. I can't say I care at all about this storyline, but at least Carl going to The Sanctuary with Jesus sounds intriguing, right? I enjoyed the closure we got from Sasha & Maggie, and the steps she's taking to become the leader. But there wasn't a ton else this episode had going for it.

+Maggie staying strong

+Jesus & Carl potential

-re-hash of last week's visit from Saviors

-Uneventful for the most part

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