The Walking Dead: Go Getters (2016)
Season 7, Episode 5
When you're hooked, they will take advantage
22 November 2016
I've been defending some of the less exciting episodes of this and past seasons in the belief that all parts will eventually make a better whole. But this episode is pushing my tolerance. I'm starting to buy into the belief that this commercialised cash cow is being blatantly milked for all its worth.

I suppose its merely human nature to make the most of what you've got. Knowing 'they' have hooked a large enough audience 'they' now feel that it's OK to shove a few low budget filler episodes into each season. And the majority of hardcore fans, like myself, will begrudgingly accept this and continue watching.

I'm going to skip the next few episodes and bank them up for binge watching to relieve the current anticipation/subsequent disappointment cycle that I think will become a hallmark of this season.

If you miss this episode I don't think you will have missed much at all, and that's just not right.
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