Miss Sloane (2016)
Incredible. One of the best films of the year.
28 November 2016
MISS SLOANE is not to be missed. It's an easy target for unmerited scrutiny by people who've never even seen it or have pre-conceived notions about the subject matter - it's clear from some of the user comments and internet chatter that there's just a lot of fanatical, closed-minded, easily-threatened people who hear the movie deals with gun control and they jump to the conclusion that it's liberal propaganda. Well, it does take a position - but a rational and cogent one, and it doesn't even try to push any kind of agenda - aside for perhaps asserting the politic system in Washington is rotten and driven by self-interest (but who's gonna argue with that, right?). And it's really not about the issue of gun control itself, that's merely the device in which its able to pull back the curtain on the lobbying industry in DC and show the machinations in which bills and laws are passed.

The story clearly sets out pit an ambitious female lobbyist up against a formidable adversary - and the gun lobby has proved to be the most powerful representative group in DC, given that most citizens - and most members of the NRA - are in favor of stricter (and reasonable) background checks, but absolutely no progress has been made on this issue. That makes for a compelling background to analyze how the process of pushing a lobbying issue works within the system. It's not a threatening film to lawful gun owners - it may be to people who purchase guns with sketchy backgrounds and nefarious intentions ... but shouldn't every law-abiding citizen welcome that kind of oversight and protection so that they are the ones with guns and the people who may try to hurt them and their families are not?? Anyway, this film is clearly intending to be more of a character study of a troubled female lobbyist at the end of her rope in a career that's consumed her life, portrayed with steely brilliance by Jessica Chastain. It's also a riveting, intelligent, and surprising political thriller - the pace of the story is incredible, and it keeps the viewers on their toes from start to finish, never quite unfolding the way you'd expect, which ends up being even more satisfying and original.

I'd liken the film more to Michael Clayton or A Few Good Men. It's got some of the best writing I've seen all year, on a plot level, dialogue level, character level, and the emotion running through the film sneaks up on you by the end, which is accompanied by one of the best twists I've seen in a movie in years. It's entirely earned and when you watch it a second time (I've seen it twice), the writer and director did a fantastic job planting all the seeds that make the ending really work. There's plenty of little details and breadcrumbs throughout - and since it's a film for smart, attentive viewers, it leaves that room for the viewer to discover many things along the way.

If you're a fan of sophisticated, intelligent dramatic thrillers, MISS SLOANE is one of the best in many years. It won't be for everyone - low IQ folks will intimated by it, hardcore 2nd Amendment advocates will be threatened by it (even though it isn't passing any rhetoric that infringes anyone's rights to keep and bear arms), and I'd imagine sexists won't go for it either, because they won't want to see a smart, over-prepared, hard-edged woman one-upping a bunch of old white men. But, if all biases and prejudices are left aside, I think it's undeniable to enjoy how masterfully conceived, told, and performed this film truly is. Bravo to everyone who had the temerity to take on this subject matter, and do so with such incredible skill and care.

And I think it's worthy of Oscar nominations for Best Picture, Director, Actress (Chastain), Supporting Actress (Mbatha-Raw), Original Screenplay, Music, Editing, and Costume Design. And I'd consider it a front-runner for Chastain and the screenplay in that race, if judged entirely on its merits.

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