Corregidor (1943)
Lesser American WW2 B-movie
28 November 2016
CORREGIDOR is your usual gung-ho American WW2 film set in the Philippines. Like many films which utilise that theatre of war as a backdrop, it goes for a B-movie approach and as such is only interesting as a dated curio, although it's worth remembering that this was made contemporaneous with the war itself so there are propaganda elements here.

Basically, the story of the film is to chart the progress of doctors, nurses, and soldiers as they exist on an island that is constantly being besieged by Japanese troops. CORREGIDOR is rather episodic in nature, featuring some frenetic battle action followed by a lull filled by some light humour and romance, and then going back to a battle around ten minutes later. It's basic stuff, lacking any decent actors to do their roles justice, and even Otto Kruger feels hammy. Some parts of the film do tell rather than show and it all gets a bit preachy at the end.
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