Monsters (2017 Video)
High school production values
14 December 2016
If this were a high school project for a drama or A/V group it would be commendable on some levels. Offering it for paid viewing however is near criminal. As another user has noted, a very incongruous and saturated use of profanity - not that there is anything wrong with heavy profanity usage per se, as long as it is integral and flowing - detracts heavily from being able to watch this already nigh-unwatchable flick. Poor continuity, scripting, editing, special effects, use of stock footage ... you get the idea.

I love watching sci-fi movies new or old, and am probably more willing to suspend belief for many aspects of a bad movie than others: but this was just bad without virtually any saving graces. One exception is that there was one actress who I could see even in this atrocity had potential.

Full disclosure ... I FFWD'd through some of the movie and in the end this review IS based on seeing probably only 2/3rds of the whole thing. However, I gritted my teeth so that I could say I gave it as fair a review as it deserved before recommending you avoid wasting the 10 minutes it took before you turned it off.
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