Review of Chocolate

Chocolate (2008)
The movie should be much more popular than what it is
31 December 2016
This movie that exceeded my expectations. Not only did it have better action than your average martial arts movie, but it also had a good story with great drama.

It was a mix between exciting and exceptionally-executed action and emotionally resonant yet really sad drama. The action scenes were shot and done well, even with a budget of only about 4M USD. The drama was surprising for a martial arts movie. While not that complicated, it managed to be really sad and interesting in the way that it made you feel for the characters.

When compared to all those other martial arts movies out there, it's hard to believe this didn't become a worldwide sensation.

Don't miss this movie. The action is great. The drama is better than even your average drama movie.

+ Great action

+ Drama is sad and engaging

+ Better story than most martial arts movies

  • Unrealistic

  • Script could be a little better

Score: 10. Great action and great drama.
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