This is just bad.
2 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
*** May contain spoilers ***

Okay first off, gore is not bad but using gore to cover up your film's deficiencies is bad. From the initial sex scene in the morgue to the many scenes of zombies dripping blood the director seemed to always use gore to cover up plot holes or a lack of a budget.

Second, the dialog isn't up there with "satire" or "this movie makes a farce of" kind of thing. The dialog is bad. It's stilted and ridiculous most of the time. Lines that are intended to sound cool are just terrible. Oh and folks get the mics in the right positions next time cause when you hear the echos from the actors that just makes it sound unprofessional.

Third, there are weirdly stupid scenes and lots of them coupled with mistakes. The initial rape scene between the janitor and the girlfriend or wife was graphic but then when the camera goes back on him overalls were up and there was clearly no zipper down there. When the male hero is saved from the janitor zombie later on blood gushes over him but when he gets up a few moments later there's none. I could go on but they only get weirder and most stupid.

Let me just say that this movie stops being entertaining very early on. It is a chore to watch this to write a review.

Finally, I know this is a "B" movie but being a "B" movie is no reason for producing garbage.
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