Strong but overly ambitious action flick
9 January 2017
Some former Special Forces guy decides to become a vigilante together with his tiny sidekick The Kid. He's recruited for this by some shady character named Moreau. For some reason some net video guy decides to follow the vigilante around and put the videos online. That makes the vigilante a hero. During some mission he goes against the Armenian mob killing the little brother of the big bad Armenian mobster.

That gets the videographer kidnapped and eventually they find the Vigilante as well and torture him. The Kid assembles a new team to rescue the vigilante, who now travels all the way to Armenia to get the bad guy who has his girl and daughter kidnapped.

But there's another really bad guy around, Barrington, who's up to no good and who has remained untouched so far. And eventually the Vigilante will have to confront him. The Vigilante's handler Moreau also will turn out to be trouble.

The Vigilante Diaries I guess is supposed to be made to look like a comic. I don't read comics so to me that format doesn't do much. In my summary I'm tried to go chronologically. The movie doesn't. It is all over the place and I don't think it helped the movie much. Aside from that, the movie is a very ambitious R-rated B-action thriller with some humor as well. It is well-directed, well acted for the most part. And it also offers something unique in terms of the storyline set and filmed in Armenia. There's a lot to like here and I think this movie is recommendable and worth watching, but no, it's not an A-list blockbuster, but for the budget it comes pretty close and does offer plenty of entertainment.
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