True heart..
12 January 2017
This movie feels like an art school film project that caught fire and ended up being something bigger than anyone expected. From the ludicrous commentary of the madman that is Kenny Shopsin, to the real, applicable life lessons throughout, this documentary style film should be viewed by anyone with a love for food, family and of course, restaurant culture. Within each scene, comment, incident, lies small truths and realities that we all face as humans in this society. Alongside the daily struggles of the family system, is the restaurant itself which is as eccentric and charismatic as the family that owns it... This movie represents the city of New York, the neighborhood, and ultimately the PEOPLE that make any community what it is... I try and show this film to as many people as I can because I know the rise of popularity in a cult classic is a slow one, but that's what this production is... a true cult classic.
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