The Vidiot Reviews...
16 January 2017
The Light at the Edge of the World

Lighthouses are the best places for troubled loners because they have all the comforts of a clock tower.

However, university students aren't the targets in this action movie, pirates are.

Fleeing from a failed romance and a murder rap back in the States, ex-miner Denton (Kirk Douglas) heads down south to Cape Horn in 1865 to man a lighthouse.

When Kongre (Yul Brynner) and his marauders land on the coastline intent on wrecking ships by dowsing the flame, it's up to Denton and his skeleton crew (Massimo Ranieri, Fernando Rey) to abate the cutthroats and liberate their female captive (Samantha Eggar) before the next cargo ship arrives.

Noted for its Spanish locales, particularly the craggy topography where the swashbuckling occurs, this adaptation of Jules Verne's novel is a forgotten gem in the adventure genre.

Nevertheless, it must be nice to get a visitor at the lighthouse that isn't a moth.

Yellow Light

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