Simply put: Steve Martin/Reiner's Frankenstein
23 January 2017
In one phrase of a couple of words, that's the best way I could find to nail down what this film was.

If you've seen Steve Martin at all, not necessarily in films he's part of the writing crew but if you've seen him, you'll know his presence always brings about an element of utter randomness at times bordering on clownish performances and flat-out surrealism. So you're warned when you know he both stars and co-wrote this one. It's one of those films that clearly separate the viewing public in two: those who will be sensitive to it, and those who won't understand how this was ever released and why people have given it any consideration.

If you know Martin as a writer now, you'll understand exactly what this is if you refer back to my title. His stories always contain an outrageously passionate love story at the center of it bordering on (or fully in) madness, set in remote places/with random strange things occurring consistently.

This one is just about good enough to make you laugh, enjoy the story and concept, and have a genuinely good time.

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