Fly or Flying?
27 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Though the video art for this film insists its title is Flying From the Hawk, once you pop the tape into your player you quickly discover it's actually entitled Fly From the Hawk. In the context of the film,I'm not sure this title makes any more sense, but it does suggest that no one took a great deal of care when converting its ZIV syndication print for VHS production. As for the story, it's completely absurd: a young boy with a speech impediment runs away from his parents (John Ireland and Diane McBain, who were surely on a European vacation when they shot this cheapie) somewhere in Spain because a shopkeeper made a wisecrack about his disability. This wafer thin plot device - barely sufficient to take up a half hour TV episode - is somehow padded out to fill 87 minutes (thankfully, much shorter than the 110 minutes printed on the tape label!). That said, there's something strangely engaging about the film - despite the fact that, yes, the boy's voice was clearly dubbed by a woman. It might even entertain a few 8 or 9 year-olds who will empathize with the poor lad.
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