Compelling and heartbreaking film
31 January 2017
The true story of an Indian maths genius who gets to Cambridge University just prior to WW1.

On the face of it a film about a mathematician seems a dull subject for a film and to many it probably is. However this film is so well done it doesn't really matter what the subject is about.

Rarely does an actor come across as likable as Dev Patel and his role in this elevates it a notch higher than maybe it should. He plays Srinivasa Ramanujan who stuns Cambridge by solving a mathematics puzzle that was thought to be unsolvable. Patel lights up every scene he is in and receives great support from the ever dependable Jeremy Irons.

It may be slow in places as it charts Ramanujans struggles but the film slowly sucks you in before unleashing a body blow right at the end of the film.

This is a superb and heartbreaking drama that is much more enjoyable than you think it will be. Highly recommended.
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