Hordes of Americans went to see a Busby Berkeley flick . . .
4 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
. . . and a Dang Concert broke out. Though H0LLYWOOD HOTEL offers a few cheap thrills (such as when Rosemary Lane sings "I feel wet and it's no wonder I do" to Dick Powell, who warbles back "That's how I get when I'm out with you," Warner Bros. uses most of the songs here to warn America of the Racist and Fascist Fifth Columnists then closing in upon Tinseltown to spearhead their assault against the U.S. Constitution. The most famous song here, "Hooray for Hollywood," lampoons one-time Warner stock company goofball Marion Mitchell Morrison (aka, "John Lassie Wayne") for having less brains than his horse (in recognition that the self-styled "Il Duce" soon would be leading a vicious Real Life Pogrom that would make Hitler proud, resulting in untold murders of Jews such as John Garfield and Ethel Rosenberg, along with Union Champions including Errol Flynn). Speaking of Adolph, another HOTEL song disparages one-time pioneering aviator Chuck L. from Detroit with the verse "he's like Lindbergh on the ground," in reference to the "Dingo-ate-my-Baby" guy's shocking defection to Hitler's inner circle (which was nearly as scandalous as U.S. Czar Red Commie KGB Strongman Vlad "Mad Dog" Putin appointing his best American buddy Rex "Exxon Valdez" Tillerson as Amerika's Secretary of State this month). The same lyric finds Ms. Lane despairing "I'm like Ginger Rogers running the Brooklyn Dodgers," reflecting the always Cassandra-like Warner's chagrin that the Dodgers were going to drag their spikes 10 more years before integrating Major League Baseball. (Warner does what they can to provoke a Civil Rights movement with H0LLYWOOD HOTEL, by lampooning rival MGM's upcoming Jim Crow Propaganda Piece GONE WITH THE WIND , and by putting the first integrated music group in Cinema History on screen--beating the tardy Dodgers by a decade!)
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