Tara Reid can't cut it
5 February 2017
Check out the keywords on the main page here. "Girl in panties, black panties, black thong, panties." Uhm. Seems I'm not the only one whose favorite scene is "Getting to know Moscow" about 35 minutes in...

But that aside...

I always defend the leading ladies in my poisons of choice. I am known for that. But on this one, I fold. There is no way I can defend Tara Reid here. I should point out that this isn't Hollywood fare, it's some sort of "Russian American Movie Company" with the acronym RAMCO and wow, that says it all, how cool that sounds, they thought, we're RAMCO. Of course a bunch of foreigners who grew up in Siberia in the shadow of a Soviet internment camp doesn't know the first thing about making a movie that would please American audiences. Of course, there are a few RAMCO plants operating here on IMDb and they'd lead you to believe there is some value in this dismal setup. Which explains that glorifying review heading the lot here on IMDb. Truthfully, this movie does get better in the second half, but by time, highly negative opinions have been formed, it's too late.

SILENT PARTNER's first half is kind of anemic, does show spark every now and then, which soon fizzles out, to settle into anemic ways once more. The only reason to watch it is if you're a Tara Reid fan. I am. I've got lots of her titles. She has that dream-girl look. But when it comes to projecting the heroine, I have to admit, her detractors do have a case. She has the looks, but comes across as, well, not really what we soppily-entranced guys had in mind. Here she is cold and unlikable. The script is bad, or rather, the way the plot unfolds, the way it is presented, is bad. Yawn-worthy guys. Deep Russian accents, speaking like bullfrogs, if bullfrogs could talk. Nick Moran, think Seth Cohen of THE O.C. thawing out to be an action hero. Tara is a breath of fresh air whenever she appears. She livens up the dreary procedure of this plodding bureaucratic film. The dramatic flying long blond hair, the fur jacket, denim jeans, boots. It is when the camera moves in close that we see those eyes. They are beautiful. But in the extreme close-up of her face, we also see the fading beauty, she is more like "Wow, should have seen her a couple of years before..." Now she's scampering about in the dregs of a movie, JODIE AND THE PUSSYCATS it sure as hell isn't, this is Tara on the slide, this one had been a bright Hollywood starlet in THE BIG LOBOWSKI, she was barely in it, but filled the screen with magic for the few seconds she was.

The second half features one of the best car chases I've ever seen on film. It reminded me of the chase in THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS, only this was grounded in everyday reality. Unfortunately, this chase, they missed out on what would have given it more appeal: There is Tara Reid in the car with him, but no chemistry between the two leads during the chase. The dreamy elements are there, the thrill ride, the hot girl, it is amazingly-well filmed, especially considering the preceding doldrums the movie had been in, but yet, an important aspect was overlooked.

But, yes, for those of you who walked out of the theater after half an hour, or switched off the DVD player, giving up on the movie entirely, it did get a whole lot better. But it still doesn't change the final score.

In the end, what really counts, is that I didn't feel much for Tara's character. Loved the outfit though! The legs are the very best! But...

Get DEVIL'S POND or MY BOSS'S DAUGHTER for Tara Reid watching. Tara couldn't save this one, she needed saving herself. Two wrecks really.
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