Review of Lexx

Lexx (1996–2002)
crazy original sci-fi designs
12 February 2017
The Cluster is the capital planet of the League of 20,000 planets with the Divine Shadow ruling the Light Universe. The Brunnen-G was prophesied to destroy the insect civilization. Kai (Michael McManus) was the last Brunnen-G killed. The Divine Shadow kept his dead body to be reanimated with protoblood to become his indestructible assassin. It's 2008 years after the destruction of the Brunnen-G. Thodin and his fellow Heretics mount an escape on the Cluster. Stanley Tweedle (Brian Downey) is a lowly security guard sentenced to be used as meat. Zev (Eva Habermann) is sentenced to be turned into a sex slave for not performing her wifely duties. A Cluster lizard gets caught up in Zev's transformation turning her is a sex-starved volatile dominatrix and the robot 790 (Jeffrey Hirschfield) into a slave to Zev. Zev, 790, and Tweedle escape by stealing the powerful world-destroying insect spaceship, The Lexx. With the brains of the predecessors, Kai, and the cannibal Giggerota on board, the Lexx travels through the fractal core into the dark zone. The Lexx loses its memories and can only be controlled with Stanley Tweedle's hand.

This is one of the most unusual looking sci-fi with a crazy story background. The designs are weirdly organic. Brian Downey is great as the pathetic worm Stanley Tweedle. Eva Habermann is a great Germanic sex-bunny dominatrix. It doesn't hurt that she performs a shower strip show in the second episode. Kai has his crazy brooding hair and 790 is a fun robot head. This mini-series unexpectedly got renewed and this becomes essentially its first season. Eva Habermann couldn't continue and she was written out of the show. It's hard to take the lead being eliminated in that way. The two hour episodes in the first season are a little long and sometimes the show is a little slow. On the other hand, the show never passes an opportunity to do something weird. Surprisingly, there are recognizable actors doing this show. It ends up as one of the weirdest-looking sci-fi show with crazy usual plots. The show continues for three more seasons but I really couldn't follow it much further after Habermann leaves the show in the second season. I wondered if she would return. Replacing her with the new actress was too much of a disruption.
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