Utah Blaine (1957)
Excellent cast in action-packed Louis L'Amour story
20 February 2017
Rory Calhoun proved himself an action hero, a two-gun action hero, in this fast-moving, and often exciting minor A Western. And he had to prove himself so with such an excellent cast of first-rate players.

His female lead was the beautiful -- although outrageously padded -- Susan Cummings, who also proved herself a first-rate actress who should have many more first-rate parts.

Her character was a strong and courageous woman, a type not seen often enough in any film but perhaps especially so in Westerns, where they mostly are present to be rescued or protected.

This Western heroine wields a shotgun and drives off the bad guys if they get too close.

Max Baer, the boxing champ, was another excellent actor and I had never seen him in a Western. He should have had his own series, playing the big and strong hero. He shows himself fully capable of it in this film.

Ray Teal is such a strong personality he almost steals "Utah Blaine" from its star -- and he plays the chief bad guy! This is a striking performance, and proof positive Mr. Teal could have played any kind of role.

Director Fred Sears leads his cast and crew admirably, and also proves himself a first-rate director, deserving of bigger-budget pictures and respect.

"Utah Blaine" was completely unknown to me before I accidentally found it at YouTube, and I am completely recommending it.
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