Second Jen (2016– )
Does Not Even Qualify as a TV Show...
28 February 2017
Second Jen is just atrocious. It's awful. It's a train wreck. This show is terribly, horribly, unbelievably, horrifyingly bad. I would need a thesaurus to even begin to describe just how mind-bogglingly bad Second Jen is.

Worst acting ever? Check.

Worst writing ever? Check.

Jokes that are so not funny that we literally wondered if they even qualified as jokes at all? Check.

A show so ineptly conceived and put together that we weren't sure until the end credits if they had even bothered to hire a director or producers? Check.

This show has literally nothing to offer. Since moving to Canada, I would say this show is easily in contention for the worst comedy series I have ever seen. The fact that I can think of two or three other shows that are even in the same conversation as shows that are as bad as this one should alarm Canada's television industry, because Second Jen is so inexcusably awful - every part of this show is so poorly thought out and executed - that I am mystified as to how it was ever produced let alone broadcast on a major television network.
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